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Game Face

Overweb Game Concept

Games are fun. We love new games. Make a game. You have an amazing canvas, the entire web. Combine Safe Digital Space, On-Page Presence, and On-Page Interactions to create something really fun and engaging.

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Overweb Dating Concept

Dating online and apps is all about appearances. But the apps are full of fakes. What about meeting people on websites of your common interests and seeing how they interact with content on the page. Combine Safe Digital Space, On-Page Presence, and On-Page Interactions to create the possibility of real connection.

Breakfast Date
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Music Notes

Overweb Music Concept

The music venues are shut down. We dance at home. Youtube and Spotfiy aren't paying much. Combine Safe Digital Space, On-Page Presence, and On-Page Interactions to create new music experiences that will help music lovers find music to love and keep fans asking for more.

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Overweb Finance Concept

The first crypto bank was launched in the US a week ago. DeFi is hot. Combine Safe Digital Space, On-Page Presence, and On-Page Interaction to create a finance application or a bank that meets the needs of of your community and avoids the problems and pitfalls of today's 2D web.

Glass Ceiling
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Overweb SDG Concept

The UN has defined 17 Sustainable Development Goals that we need to address by 2050. We've got a lot of work to do. Pick one and apply Safe Digital Space, On-Page Presence, and On-Page Interaction to break through the inertia and enable collaboration at a level not possible on today's web.

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Overweb Education Concept

Education has gone virtual. And even when students are back in the classroom, schools need to be ready to go into full lockdown at any moment. Students are having a hard time staying engaged, especially those from marginalized communities. Combine Safe Digital Space, On-Page Presence and On-Page Interactions to create new virtual education experiences that will enthrall kids in learning.

Image by Prado
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Overweb Sensemaking Concept

Sensemaking is challenging on the web. There is no context and very few links, and we all get different search results. We're in filter bubbles, our choices controlled by algorithms that channel our attention from confirmation to outrage. Combine Safe Digital Space, On-Page Presence, and On-Page Interaction to create new sensemaking possibilities.

Categories: Image

Overweb False Claims Concept

Misinformation and disinformation are rampant in the news, Fueled by conviction and even more by money, false claims seek to change our behavior and we don't see any way out with today's 2D web. Combine Safe Digital Space, On-Page Presence, and On-Page Interactions to create a veritable truth machine or some way of slowing the spread of false news.

Politician News Interview
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Business Meeting

Overweb Enterprise Concept

Enterprises are in it for the money. And time is money. If you can help them achieve their goals better, faster, stronger, you'll win too. Combine Safe Digital Space, On-Page Presence, and On-Page Interactions to help an industry, company, or project transcend the limitations of today's 2D web.

Categories: Image

On-Page Presence Concept

On-Page Presence is cool. Go visible and meet people on web pages. But who is it really good for? What kinds of websites? Come up with an On-Page Presence concept that could be transformative for all involved.

Image by Robynne Hu
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Digital World Map

Meta-Community Concept

Imagine nations that are not defined by borders but by common interests. Like the Good Country, an experiment in a nation of people who want to make the world a better place. Imagine a digital nation having their own layer over the web that enables Safe Digital Space, On-page Presence, and On-page Interactions. What peoples could benefit from their own meta-community and how? Might they have a code of conduct? What might be the key aspects of any meta-community? Push the conversation forward.

Categories: Image

Smart Tag Concept

Smart tags are powerful. They can be used anywhere on the web. You attach them to text, images, segments of video or audio, a tweet, a Facebook post. What information, interactions, transactions, and/or experiences could your smart tag provide? Who would use it and why?

Image by Jimmy Ofisia
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Image by Philipp Berndt

Overweb Open Concept

The door is open. You are welcome to enter. What aspects of the hyper-dimensional web do you want to explore?

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